
To install desc package you must make sure that your python version is either 3.5.x or 3.6.x. If you don’t know the version of python you can check it by:

>>>import platform
>>>import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.__version__

Note: Because desc depend on tensorflow, you should make sure the version of tensorflow is lower than 2.0 if you want to get the same results as the results in our paper.

Now you can install the current release of desc by the following three ways.

$ pip install desc

Note: you need to make sure that the pip is for python3,or we should install desc by

python3 -m pip install desc 
pip3 install desc

If you do not have permission (when you get a permission denied error):

$ pip install desc --user
git clone
cd desc
pip install .

If you do not have Python3.5 or Python3.6 installed, consider installing Anaconda (see Installing Anaconda). After installing Anaconda, you can create a new environment, for example, DESC (you can change to any name you like):

conda create -n DESC python=3.5.3
# activate your environment 
source activate DESC 
git clone
cd desc
python build
python install
# now you can check whether `desc` installed successfully!

Please check desc Tutorial for more details.

Run a quick desc test

Now, let us run a quick test to see if the desc is ready.

Firstly, enter Python’s interpreter from your console:

$ python

Then, in a Python interpeter session, type

>>> import desc
>>> desc.run_desc_test()

The run_desc_test() function enables you to perform a quick desc analysis on a small pre-processed data. If you see something like:

“The desc has been trained successfully!”

“The run time is xxx.xxxx”.

Then you are ready to go.
